Tracy's Story...
I was always active as a kid but just in the usual ways, riding bikes, swimming, climbing trees. There weren’t really any organized sports to speak of and I’m kind of glad about that. I was a pretty healthy kid but in my late teen years I took up the cool habit of smoking. That cool habit lasted 20 years until I guess I just had enough of my cigarettes running my life. One day, during a visit to my doctor for a cough I couldn’t get rid of (wonder why!) we talked about me quitting smoking. On that pivotal day he said to me, “Tracy, you better find a new habit!” That was the best advice I’d ever been given.
About a month later, while visiting my in-laws for the 4th of July here at the lake I celebrated my own independence day and smoked my very last cigarette. The next day, I joined the gym. That was almost 20 years ago and I’ve been exercising regularly since then. I fell in love with it. I loved how I felt, how strong I was getting and how much it helped my stress levels. I guess you could say I found my new habit and it only seemed natural for me to want to share my habit with others. So, welcome to my studio!